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Herba Polonica
51(3/4):5-13 (published in 2006)

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Effect of mother plant age and environmental factors on the yield and quality of roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L.) seeds

Przybył J., Węglarz Z., Geszprych A., Pelc M.

Four- and five-year-old plants gave a distinctly higher yield of seeds in comparison with sixyear-old plants. Seeds originating from younger plants were also characterised by higher individual weight. Germination ability of seeds was affected both by age of mother plants and by temperature and presence of light during germination process. Higher germination ability and higher weight of seedlings was observed at substrate pH 5.5 and 6.5 in contrary to pH 3.5.

Key words: seed weight, germination ability, temperature, peat substrate, pH, light, seedlings
