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Acta Horticulturae
925: 193-198

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Accumulation of Biologically Active Compounds in Above- and Underground Organs of Common Avens (Geum urbanum L.)

Kuczerenko A., Przybył J.L., Sarniak D., B±czek K. and Węglarz Z.

The aim of the undertaken study was to investigate the influence of the age of plants and harvest time on the quality of above- and underground organs of common avens (Geum urbanum L.). In the raw materials content of phenolic compounds (tannins and polyphenolic acids) and the content of eugenol and nopinone in essential oil from roots were determined. Taking into consideration aboveground organs, the content of tannins and polyphenolic acids was the highest in rosette leaves, lower in flower shoots and the lowest in spring root leaves. Rosette leaves were characterised by especially high content of ellagic acid and epicatechin gallate. The content of tannins in underground organs was the highest in raw material from one-year-old plants collected in the beginning of plant dormancy. Content of eugenol and nopinone was not affected by the age of the plantation and date of harvest of the raw material.

Key words: common avens, tannins, phenolic acids, eugenol
