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Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych

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Skład związków sterolowych w odmianach brokułu, zależnie od metody uprawy

Gajewski M., Przybył J.L., Kosakowska O., Szymczak P., Bajer M.

Plant sterols have broad biological activity, and in a plant they are essential structural and functional components of cell membranes. The aim of this work was to determine free sterol content and composition in two different cultivars of broccoli, in relation to the method and term of cultivation. The study was performed in 2005-2006. Broccoli were grown as a summer or autumn crop, on the plain soil or on the ridges made in spring. Free sterols were determined immediately after harvest with HPLC method. Plant material was extracted in hexane after drying. Extracts obtained were analyzed by a Shimadzu chromatograph, with the detector SPD-M10A VP. The method of growing showed a significant influence in the case of content of sterols, as well as sterol composition. The total amount of free sterols reached 40-109 mg×100 g-1 DM. The free sterol content in broccoli was affected by the term of growing. The dominant sterol compounds in broccoli were b-sitosterol and brassicasterol, but the sterol composition varied between cultivars.

Key words: broccoli, sterols, biological value, growing methods, HPLC
