Mendeley - free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research →
Scilab - free and open source numerical computational package and a high-level, numerically oriented programming language, GNU GPL →
Eclipse - a project aiming to provide a universal toolset for development, Open Source IDE →
GIMP - free and open source software raster graphics editor, GNU GPL →
Sumo paint - free online Flash-based image editor →
Pixlr Editor - free online Flash-based image editor →
Inkscape - free and open source software vector graphics editor, GNU GPL →
Mind The Graph - Mind The Graph is a do It Yourself plataform that helps you to improve your research. CC →
Scribus - free and open source desktop publishing (DTP) application, GNU GPL →
Notepad++ - free and open source text editor and source code editor for Windows, GNU GPL →
educational materials →