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Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych

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Zmiany zawartości ekstraktu i związków antyoksydacyjnych w owocach pomidora drobnoowocowego na różnych etapach jego plonowania w uprawie szklarniowej

Abukchovich A., Kobryń J., Kowalczyk K., Zielony T.

Four cherry tomato cultivars with different color and fruit weight (Favorita, Goldita, Flavorino, Organza) were grown on coir straw slabs in 2005-2006. The results show that the mean contents of lycopene, beta-carotene and soluble solids in the cherry tomato fruit significantly depended on the cultivar and had no connection with the time of fruit harvest. The content of vitamin C depended on the cultivar and fruit harvest time. Cvs. Favorita and Goldita were the riches in vitamin C but its content was the lowest in fruits harvested in spring season. Cv. Organza had the most beta-carotene, cv. Flavorino - lycopene and cvs Favorita and Goldita - soluble solids.

Key words: Cherry tomato, cultivar, fruit, soluble solids, antioxidants
