Department of Vegetable and Medicinal Plants

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Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea
Photo J.L. Przybył

Reviewed Publications 2014

2013     2014      2015 
Chemical characteristics of European goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L. subsp. virgaurea) from natural sites in central and Eastern Poland

Rosłon W., Osińska E., Mazur K., Geszprych A. 2014 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus 13(1): 55-65
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The use of pullulan coating enriched with plant extracts from Satureja hortensis L. to maintain pepper and apple quality and safety

Kraśniewska K., Gniewosz M., Synowiec A, Przybył J.L., Bączek K., Węglarz Z. 2014 Postharvest Biology and Technology 90: 63-72
DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2013.12.010
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The antimicrobial activity of pullulan film incorporated with meadowsweet flower extracts (Filipendulae ulmariae flos) on postharvest quality of apples

Gniewosz M., Synowiec A, Kraśniewska K., Przybył J.L., Bączek K., Węglarz Z. 2014 Food Control 37: 351-361
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.09.049
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2013     2014      2015
