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Data analysis and presentations techniques

Ph.D. Studies →

Assumptions and goals:
Acquisition of skills in handling data obtained from research/experiments and presenting factual content and conclusions in a clear and understandable manner.
Form of credit:
Project + essay →
Description of the course:

Richard Poulin Language of Graphic Design Revised and Updated, Rockport Publishers Inc., 2021, →

Tony Seddon, Jane Waterhouse Graphic Design for Non-Designers, Rotovision S.A., 2009, →

Cyrus Highsmith Inside Paragraphs: Typographic Fundamentals, Princeton University Press, 2020 →

David McCandless Knowledge is Beautiful, HarperCollins, 2014 →

Victoria Squire, Hans Peter Willberg Getting it Right with Type: The Do’s and Don’ts of Typography, Laurence King Publishing, 2006 →

Adrian Frutiger Typefaces, Birkh¹user Berlin, 2021 →

Todd Rogers, Jessica Lasky-Fink Writing for Busy Readers, Communicate More Effectively in the Real World, Scribe Publications, 2023 →

Dr. Jaros³aw L. Przyby³
