GIMP - free and open source software raster graphics editor, GNU GPL →
Inkscape - free and open source software vector graphics editor, GNU GPL →
LibreOffice - LibreOffice is a private, free and open source office suite, the successor project to OpenOffice., MPL research →
Mind The Graph - Mind The Graph is a do It Yourself plataform that helps you to improve your research. CC →
Scribus - free and open source desktop publishing (DTP) application, GNU GPL →
Notepad++ - free and open source text editor and source code editor for Windows, GNU GPL →
Brackets - With focused visual tools and preprocessor support, Brackets is a modern text editor that makes it easy to design in the browser for Mac OS, Brackets Community (Adobe Systems) MIT →
Scilab - free and open source numerical computational package and a high-level, numerically oriented programming language, GNU GPL →
Mendeley - free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research →
Richard Poulin Language of Graphic Design Revised and Updated
, Rockport Publishers Inc., 2021, →
Tony Seddon, Jane Waterhouse Graphic Design for Non-Designers
, Rotovision S.A., 2009, →
Cyrus Highsmith Inside Paragraphs: Typographic Fundamentals
, Princeton University Press, 2020 →
David McCandless Knowledge is Beautiful
, HarperCollins, 2014 →
Victoria Squire, Hans Peter Willberg Getting it Right with Type: The Do’s and Don’ts of Typography
, Laurence King Publishing, 2006 →
Adrian Frutiger Typefaces
, Birkh¹user Berlin, 2021 →
Todd Rogers, Jessica Lasky-Fink Writing for Busy Readers, Communicate More Effectively in the Real World
, Scribe Publications, 2023 →